
Koda Validate aims to allow any kind of validation, including validation that requires IO. For IO, Koda Validate supports, and encourages, the use of asyncio. Async validation in Koda Validate is designed with several ergonomics goals:

  • minimal changes should be required when switching from synchronous to asynchronous validation

  • usage of asyncio should be explicit and obvious

  • the user should be alerted when illegal states are encountered

Minimal Changes#

All built-in Validators in Koda Validate allow for async validation, so the same Validator can be called in both contexts.

import asyncio
from koda_validate import StringValidator

str_validator = StringValidator()


>>> str_validator("a string")
Valid(val='a string')


>>>"a string"))
Valid(val='a string')


Synchronous validation logic can be called in both synchronous and asynchronous contexts, but async-only validation can only be called in an async context – see Alerting below.

Making Async Explicit and Obvious#

It should be difficult to accidentally define or invoke async validation. In places where asyncio is supported in Koda Validate, there is always “async” in the naming. Some examples:

  • some_validator.validate_async(...)

  • PredicateAsync

  • StringValidator(predicates_async=[...])

  • TypedDictValidator(SomeTypedDict, validate_object_async=some_async_function)

Alerting on Illegal States#

While Validators can be defined to work in both sync and async contexts, once a Validator is initialized, Koda Validate will raise an exception if the both of the following are true:

  1. it is initialized with async-only validation (e.g. defining predicates_async or validate_object_async on applicable Validators)

  2. it is invoked synchronously – i.e. some_async_validator(123) instead of await some_async_validator.validate_async(123)

The reason Koda Validate alerts in this context is because it does not want to guess at what the intended behavior is. It does neither of the following:

  • implicitly skip async-only validation

  • try to run async validation synchronously

Here you can see how async-only validators alert:

from koda_validate import StringValidator

async_only_str_validator = StringValidator(predicates_async=[SomeAsyncCheck()])"hmmm"))  # runs normally

async_only_str_validator("hmmm")  # raises an AssertionError