
In Koda Validate, validation errors are represented by the Invalid class. Invalid has three public instance attributes:

  • err_type: the specific kind of error (ErrType)

  • value: the value that was being validated

  • Validator: a reference to the Validator where the error occurred

Invalid does not contain any sort of message, nor does it attempt to accommodate any specific serialization format. Instead, the intent of Invalid is to provide enough context to produce any kind of derivative data, whether human- or machine-readable.

Error Types#

The err_type attribute of an Invalid instance corresponds to a specific type: ErrType. ErrType is a Union type that looks like this:

ErrType = Union[

Each of the ErrType variants represents some distinct use case (have a look over them!), with one exception: ValidationErrBase. ValidationErrBase is explicitly intended to be subclassed for any need not covered by the core ErrTypes. One example of such a subclass is SerializableErr, but you can feel free to define any custom error as a subclass of ValidationErrBase and type checks should succeed.

Converting Invalid to Other Formats#

In Koda Validate, Invalid objects are not usually the final form you’ll want for errors; you’ll usually want to convert them to something more useful for your specific use case.

It’s helpful to understand that Invalid errors typically form into trees (which mirror the structure of the Validator they come from):

        "name": Invalid(TypeErr(str), ...),
        "address": Invalid(
            ## any amount of nesting can be defined
                "city": Invalid(MissingKeyErr(), ...)

We can process these errors in the same way we might process any tree: by accumulating information as we visit all the nodes. For an example, let’s assume we need a “flat” list of human-readable errors. A simple way to do this is just to recursively branch on the error types. Here’s how we could do that:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import TypedDict, List, Union, Any, Optional

from koda_validate import (IndexErrs, TypeErr, MissingKeyErr, KeyErrs,
                           ListValidator, TypedDictValidator, Invalid)

class FlatError:
    location: List[Union[int, str]]
    message: str

def to_flat_errs(
    invalid: Invalid, location: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None
) -> List[FlatError]:
    recursively add errors to a flat list
    loc = location or []
    err_type = invalid.err_type

    if isinstance(err_type, TypeErr):
        return [FlatError(loc, f"expected type {err_type.expected_type}")]

    elif isinstance(err_type, MissingKeyErr):
        return [FlatError(loc, "missing key!")]

    elif isinstance(err_type, KeyErrs):
        errs = []
        for k, inv_v in err_type.keys.items():
            errs.extend(to_flat_errs(inv_v, loc + [k]))
        return errs

    elif isinstance(err_type, IndexErrs):
        errs = []
        for i, inv_item in err_type.indexes.items():
            errs.extend(to_flat_errs(inv_item, loc + [i]))
        return errs

        raise TypeError(f"unhandled type {err_type}")


The only thing we really checked in the above was the err_type, but we could have also branched on the invalid.value or invalid.validator if we wanted to produce richer output.

Let’s see how this works:

class Person(TypedDict):
    name: str
    age: int

validator = ListValidator(TypedDictValidator(Person))

simple_result = validator({})
assert isinstance(simple_result, Invalid)
assert to_flat_errs(simple_result) == [
    FlatError(location=[], message=f"expected type <class 'list'>")

complex_result = validator([None, {}, {"name": "Bob", "age": "not an int"}])
assert isinstance(complex_result, Invalid)
assert to_flat_errs(complex_result) == [
    FlatError(location=[0], message="expected type <class 'dict'>"),
    FlatError(location=[1, 'name'], message='missing key!'),
    FlatError(location=[1, 'age'], message='missing key!'),
    FlatError(location=[2, 'age'], message="expected type <class 'int'>")

One thing that we notably are not doing here is adding representation logic to Invalid or ErrType instances; nor are we subclassing those objects and adding methods or data there. This is because we don’t want to couple our errors with any specific output format. Instead the process to compute the final error output is always more-or-less the same: just write a function (or use an existing one). There are a few advantages to this approach:

  • it’s easy to have many different output functions (different languages, formats, etc)

  • it’s easy to keep error outputs consistent – you don’t have to jump around from class to class in your codebase.


If you’d like to see a fuller example in the, take a look at the source code for to_serializable_errs